Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Move

As most of you know, Greg moved out West about two months before I did.

There were a few fazes to this move.
  1.   Greg leaving to go out west while Meredith and I stay in our apartment.
a.      During this time, Meredith and I spent lots of time together and did many special things.
b.      I was also taking care of a 6 month old baby every day.
c.      I was slowly packing the house. (one box at a time)

      2.  Meredith and I go from living from our apartment to my parents house
a.      At this point, I get people to help me pack
b.      The apartment gets empty and the movers come for the boxes
c.      I make many trips to the dump and to the salvation army

Phase one and two went faster than I thought they would. Meredith did very well. It was not until the end of the 8 weeks, that she was noticeably needier. If I left for the night and she was put to bed by somebody else, she would notice and need me more the next day.

      3.   Meredith and I travel out west. We join Greg and live with Greg’s brother and sister in law
       4. We finally move to the new place

We are currently in phase 3. The move went well. Our stuff is somewhere between Ottawa and Edmonton. Our new place is empty and ready to receive our goods.  

Meredith has done well with the move. She is not sleeping great, but I know it’s an adjustment and will settle down soon enough. She still needs mommy more than she did before Greg left, but I hope that this will decrease as so gets use to the fact that Dad is not leaving for a long time. Meredith loves seeing her dad on a regular basis.  So much so, that when he leaves, she clings to his legs and does not want him to leave. As you can imagine, this makes leaving for Greg that much harder. We both hope that this phase does not last long.
As for me, I am slowly realizing that this is home. It has not sunk in yet because I know we have one more phase to go and we are still in transition. Once things settle down, I think I will feel like it’s the real deal. No going back.

My hope is that I can make friendships with people before the baby comes, so that I will not spend months wishing I had made friends and using the baby as an excuse to stay close to home.
As of now, I am just really enjoying seeing my husband every day, even if it’s not for a long time.
We have lots to explore and lots to do, so posts might not be regular.