Friday, 19 August 2011

Napping fights

Meredith is very independent and strong willed. I know that these are good qualities to have (one day), but I don’t enjoy fighting her about things. Yesterday, the fight was about taking a nap.
Meredith and I went and spent the day at my parents. My sister and her kids were there, so were my grandparents. We had a good time, but when it came to taking a nap, Meredith would have nothing to do with it.
Meredith usually takes a 2-3 hour nap every day. Yesterday, she slept in so I knew that going down at the regular time was wishful thinking. So, I tried putting her down an hour later than usual.  
Now, you would think that I could just put Meredith in her crib and leave her there and cry it out. If only that were the case!! If Meredith is not tired, she climbs out of her crib, opens the door and will come find me downstairs.
So, yesterday, I spent 2 hours putting Meredith back in the crib. In that time I spanked her a whole bunch of times, changed 3 diapers and tried everything I could. Nothing deters her.
Finally, when my nephew got up from his nap, I gave up and decided that today was not a nap day.
So, a day that I wanted to use visiting my family was used fighting.
Points for the day:
600 points for fighting Meredith for 2 hours
500 points for not losing it on Meredith or my family
300 points for still being able to finish my laundry and get my nails done
Total points: 1400 – no, the large points does not make me want these events to happen on a regular basis.
Ps: we stayed for dinner and left soon after. Meredith fell asleep in the car and slept for 13 hours.

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