Saturday, 28 May 2011

Day at home

I love being a stay at home mother. I love spending time with my daughter. When she takes her naps or is sleeping, I miss her. Saying this, there are some days that are more challenging than others. Friday was one of those days. My husband got a call to work for a friend. Since the work place was not on a bus route, he had to take the car.
I thought that we could have home adventures. Our apartment has a pool and an outdoor park. Friday comes and, not only is it raining, but the pool is also closed. So, here I am at home with nothing to do.
Not only is it raining, but Meredith was not very happy. She must be teething and growing at the same time. So, we watched more TV then I usually let her and read lots of books. We looked out our window to see what we could see and walked up and down the halls.
Since she is growing, this makes her more tired. For the first time in months,                                  she took 2 naps!! So, even though she was cranky and it rained all day, it all worked out. 
All this to say is that there are many mothers out there who are based from home most days and I am spoiled to have one child and able to use a car on a regular basis.
Point break down:
-50 points for letting her watch more TV then other days
50 points for making play dough for the first time
50 points for figuring out she was tired and putting her down for her naps
200 points: 2 points for each time I read a book to her (we don’t have 100 books, but I read some books 4-5 times)..... ps. this is not exact math J
Point total: 300 points!

1 comment:

  1. you need to invest in a musical instrument :)
    egg shakers or a flute or something...(shakers are like 50 cents at long and mcquade :)

    glad you survived your day...we have many stay at home days and by 5pm I'm ready to see Jonathan walk through the door.
