Friday, 13 May 2011


Today I took Meredith for her 18 month check up and her shots. It’s one of those days that no mother really looks forward to because kids don’t like shots. Meredith took the shots like a champ and only cried for 2 seconds after the shots. This is probably because she has spent so much energy throwing tantrums on the waiting room and the doctor’s office. Oh well, at least we got it done.
Point break down:
100 points for holding Meredith in her tantrums
200 points for not crying myself or breaking down
-50  points being a month late for her shots
60 points for not waking her up from car seat to crib
Point total: 310
On good news, we don’t have to take her back until she is 2. In bad news, tomorrow we will be taking her milk bottles away and giving it to her in sippy cups. The only upside is that I may acquire many mom points for my patience during this time.