Monday, 9 May 2011

How the points work

Growing up, my friends and I would sometimes randomly assign points to random things. For instance, one winter we all went skating and points were allotted for falling, bumping into people and other such things. These points were randomly given and had no value and there was no prize for the person who received the most points.

One day I had a long day with my 18 month old daughter, Meredith, and I decided that this point system could be used in motherhood.  I started to think that I should randomly assign myself points for how “well” I mother.

Meredith had a hard day today. She has been sick and not sleeping well which makes her grumpy all day. She started the day by screaming and not being happy with anything including food. Without going into all the specifics of my day, let’s just say that the rest of the day was much of the same.

Point break down:

20 points for not going crazy,
40 points for cleaning her car seat clean from vomit
I might have to subtract 5 points for letting her sit in her own vomit for 10 minutes
Day total:  55 points.

So, even though it was a long hard day, I came out all right with points

If you read this blog, please do not give me points of take some away. Please feel free to share your day and randomly assign yourself points. Points can be assigned for anything and you have complete control as to how many points you give yourself or take away. 

Please follow me as I raise my daughter at home and experience all the joys and trials of motherhood.

1 comment:

  1. today, I get a lot of points....but today, I also learned a valuable lesson...

    I'm staying at a cottage for the week. And this cottage happens to be outfitted with an enclosed trampoline that my toddler LOVES...he has so much fun in there...and in my head, I think babysitter. But I soon realized that he has so much fun in there because mom and or dad are playing with him and taking the time to be goofy...if we're not with him, he has no interest in the activity

    I had a hundred different things I wanted/had to do at that time...but spending quality time with my son today won out, and I'm so thankful I chose him at that moment.
