Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Growing up

One of the things I hate most is putting away cloths that Meredith has outgrown. When I put away her 0-3 months cloths, my heart almost broke. Today was another milestone. I put away her 12 months cloths and her winter 18 month cloths. My baby is getting so big and growing up way to fast.  I have a hard time letting go. But, these moments help me to hold on to each and every precious moment I have with her and to enjoy our time together. Soon enough, she will off to school all day and wanting to spend all her time away from home instead of insisting I take part in every event in her life.
Daily points:
200 points: spending 1 ½ hours sorting cloths and putting her room back together
50 points: leaving play group early due to a tantrum and giving her some mom time
Day total: 250 points

1 comment:

  1. wanna come over and sort through Philip's clothes?!?!...just kidding...I just realized I have NO summer clothes for him...poor guy's gonna boil over if I don't go out shopping soon!!
